joi, 23 ianuarie 2014

Ashura -the biggest holiday in IRAN (Persia)

Video from my trip in IRAN (Persia) 

Ashura is the biggest holiday of Shiite Islam. The streets are flooded with blood in the aftermath of shocking religious ritual today. During this holy procession, hundreds of Indian Muslims are Shia self flagellate. 
Muslims all over the world show their respect through bloodshed and murder and martyrdom luiImam mourn Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad. 
He was killed by political rivals along with 72 allies during the battle of Kerbala in the eighteenth century, when some of the bodies were mutilated.

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vineri, 17 ianuarie 2014

Taipei 101 - TAIWAN


Official records of Taipei 101 :
  • ground to highest architectural  structure : 501 m 
  • ground to roof : 449.2 m
  • fastest ascending elevator speed : 16.83 m/s ( 60.6 km/h)!

More on: Taipei_101

Taipei 101 , formerly known as the Taipei World  Financial  Center, is a landmark skyscraper located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan. The building ranked officially as the world's tallest from 2004 until the opening of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in 2010. In July 2011, the building was awarded LEED Platinum certification, the highest award in the  Leadership  in Energy and  Environmental  Design  (LEED) rating  system and became the tallest and largest green  building in the world. Taipei 101 was designed by C.Y. Lee & partners and constructed primarily by KTRT Joint Venture. The construction was finished in 2004. The tower has served as an icon of modern Taiwan ever since its opening. Fireworks launched from Taipei 101 feature prominently in international New Year's Eve broadcasts and the structure appears frequently in travel literature and international media.

Taipei 101 comprises 101  floors above ground and 5 floors underground. The building was architecturally created as a symbol of the evolution  of  technology and Asian tradition (see Symbolism). Its postmodernist approach to style incorporates traditional design elements and gives them modern treatments. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. A multi-level shopping  mall adjoining the tower houses hundreds of fashionable stores, restaurants and clubs.

Taipei 101 este un bloc zgârie-nori în Taipei, Taiwan . Planificat de C.Y. Lee & Partners și construit de KTRT Joint  Venture, Taipei 101 este actualmente al doilea cel mai înalt bloc din lume, dupa Burj  Dubai. Numele său original este Centrul  Financiar Taipei, bazat pe numele său oficial în limba chineză: Táiběi Guójì Jīnróng Zhōngxīn (Centrul Financiar Internațional Taipei). Blocul este numit Taipei 101 pentru că are 101 de etaje. Acesta are o înălțime de 508 m.

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